7 Mart 2013

Killing Them Softly (2012)

Yani eyvallah ekonomik kriz var, amerikan rüyası felan yok anladık, bilmediğimiz mevzular değil. Bu kadar süredir dünyayı sömürenlerin, kötü durumları bile dünyanın hepsinden daha iyi olduğu gerçeğini kenara bırakamayacağımız için ağladıkları zaman "well, boo hoo" diyoruz. Anlamsız zaman kaybı filmlerden. Bir tek son cümlesi güzeldi.

My friend, Thomas Jefferson is an American saint because he wrote the words 'All men are created equal', words he clearly didn't believe since he allowed his own children to live in slavery. He's a rich white snob who's sick of paying taxes to the Brits. So, yeah, he writes some lovely words and aroused the rabble and they went and died for those words while he sat back and drank his wine and fucked his slave girl. This guy wants to tell me we're living in a community? Don't make me laugh. I'm living in America, and in America you're on your own. America's not a country. It's just a business. Now fuckin' pay me.

2 / 10

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