23 Haziran 2008

Google Engineering Manager Niniane Wang ile bir röportaj


Yazıdan birkaç ilginç nokta:
"Who takes the blame at Google when something goes wrong with a piece of software?
We just fix it as soon as possible, instead of wasting time blaming. If it’s urgent, we call a Code Yellow and pull in others to help. Since Googlers are smart and dedicated, problems usually occur due to mistakes rather than incompetence or indifference. That makes it easier not to blame, because you realize “There but for the grace of God go I”.
Not blaming means the cost of failure is tolerable. This allows people to feel free to innovate with high-risk high-reward ideas.

What was your biggest lesson learned working at Google so far?
If you hire stellar people and give them freedom, they will produce amazing results. Google engineers have a surprising amount of freedom – in choosing projects to work on, contributing to multiple projects simultaneously, getting new projects chartered...
I heard a quote once that said, “Big companies take extraordinary people and make them do ordinary things. Startups take ordinary people and make them do extraordinary things.” I think the magic of Google comes from taking extraordinary people and letting them do extraordinary things."

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